This is Imogen's research on what should be allowed to be in 15 and 18 aged rated films. This is an extremely useful piece of research as when we are making and producing our own thriller openings we need to know what we can include in piece and what it would be rated if we release it. The main pice of information i ave taken from all of Imogen's research o age ratings is that basically when creating a 15 age rated film, film makers are restricted in what they can include in their films. They are not aloud to include full nudity, not aloud to include discrimination (AKA Racism, Homophobia etc) and are not aloud to use unjustifiable swearing that is nothing to do with the context of the film and the dialogue that is present.
Overall I think that from this research done my Imogen that our film is most likely to be rated as a 15 as we feel that we will almost definitely include any of the actions in our film that will force the 18 rating upon it. The quality of the research by Imogen is exceedingly good and can only help with our understanding of the BBFC's approach and ruling when it comes to rating films in terms of the age a person needs to be to watch. If we keep on creating pieces of detailed research such as this one we should have a very good start to this piece of coursework.
Better here Oscar